
New website for increased visibility and better results​

A simple, tidy and professional website, which in terms of appearance keeps up with the times, contributes to increased visibility, increased credibility and that your professionalism comes across clearly.

At the same time, you give both customers and potential partners an easier everyday life by having useful information easily available to them.

Having your own website means taking ownership of the information you want to be available about you online. In addition, a website with its own domain name is something your company actually owns, which is in stark contrast to company profiles on social media (such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok) where you can suddenly lose access, be deleted, hacked or blocked.

Your own domain name with associated website and email addresses is therefore the first thing that should be in place as soon as you have founded a company.

Illustrasjon som viser en Maccbook og en iPhone med ny nettside

Establishment of website

Don't have a website and don't know where to start? I can help you with domain, hosting, and then build the website for you. If you need film, text and photos, I can help with this as well.

Renewal of older websites

More and more people are realizing that the old website should be updated and renewed, both in terms of content and design. I help with planning and transform the website so that it looks new.

Operation and maintenance

A website should be backed up and maintained continuously to keep it secure and up-to-date. I make sure this is done and deal with the problems if they arise.

skjermdump av Byggpartner Bergens gamle nettside slik den så ut før oppdateringSkjermdump som viser hvordan nettsiden til Byggpartner Bergen ser ut etter renovering

Renewal of older websites

The website should be updated regularly, both in terms of content and appearance. This is how you keep up with the times, maintain a secure website and make your information attractive to search engines as well as visitors.

Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of renewing up to several WordPress-based websites. No job is the same and all are equally exciting.

If you want an updated look on your website, get in touch. My fingers are itching to give new life to more pages!

Previous projects

EPS Fuktsikring AS ny nettside
Rehabilitation of website for better conversions
Illustrasjon som demonstrerer nettsiden til Byggpartner Bergen på en macbook og en iphone
Beautiful update of website for construction company in Bergen
Illustrasjon som viser den nye nettsiden til Remtech Nordic AS på macbook og iphone
Renewal of website for critical infrastructure
nettside lansert for truls østerud as
Dark and rough theme for supplier of Menzi Muck and Wimmer
Illustrasjonsbilde som viser macbook og iphone med nettsiden Hobøl ASVO i
Total package for a municipal company

Let's have a chat!

There are so many questions related to websites, and I totally get that this is a strange and big world to discover. Feel free to contact me if there is anything on your mind.

FOTOGRAF Ina Marie Grefslie Ree KREDITERES - bilde av monica med macbook og kamera